What is Beauty? 

Beauty. What is beauty? A question we don’t ask ourselves often enough because other people are too busy defining it for us. Is it that ‘beautiful’ model, with big eyes and a slim waist in the latest fashion Instagram post? Or that majestic palace, bejeweled with rubies and diamonds? I do not deny that dreamy woman or that magnificent palace living in our fantasies of having an aspect of beauty. But beauty of what nature? A kind of the most artificial and trivial. An illusion. One day, such beauty...will cease to exist in this life. 

Beauty is A Fresh Start 

To me, beauty is the sunrise after dawn, opening a new day. Beauty is like a caterpillar bursting out of its cocoon transformed into a fluttering butterfly. 

Beauty is Kindness

Beauty is in the honesty of man. The justice of a leader. The loyalty of a people. Beauty is in every act of kindness. It is the generosity of a generous soul. Beauty is a father playing with his little daughter. A mother nursing her ill son. The warmth of the sun rays sparkling against the window pane. Beauty is in a friend’s advice. The help of a neighbour. Beauty is in that loving smile. A baby’s first step. The lilting laughter of children. The droplets of rain after a drought. Beauty is in the silent prayers in the middle of the night. And those silent tears. Beauty is the whisper of forgiveness. The well-wishing of a person for his brother. Beauty is the modesty of a woman and the modesty of a man. The shy rose in the spring. Beauty is like the flowers sprouting out from the cracks of dry earth in the winter desert that I see on a Friday. 

Beauty is The Giver of Life (Al-Muhyi). The Originator of all things (Al-Baari). The Just Judge of all affairs (Al-Hakam). Beauty is the kindness of The Most Gentle (Al-Rafeeq). The mercy of The Most Compassionate (Ar-Rauf). The Source of all goodness (Al-Barr). Beauty is The One we can rely on fully (Al-Wakeel). The love from The Most Loving (Al-Wadood). The Answerer of our supplications (Al-Mujib). The Forgiver of our sins (Al-Ghafar). 

Beauty is Inspiration

Beauty is an artist’s painting. A graceful teacher’s inspiration. A burning candle. A legacy. Beauty is in those aspirations. Those goals that unfold into reality. That hand that picks me up when I have fallen. That chocolate bar broken in two- one for you, one for me. Beauty is in seeing destiny on the horizon. Investing in the present. Planning for the future. Beauty is my kitten’s big eyes when she’s in a playful mood. A group of ants hard at work. Teamwork and team spirit. Beauty is the encouragement I’m given when my confidence dissipates. The warm greetings of those whom I know and those whom I do not know. Beauty is the palm tree bearing bunches of ripe, golden fruit. The cool ocean water touching my feet as I walk along the empty beach. The sound of the waves crashing against the seashore. Beauty is in gratefulness. Respect. The silky touch of gentleness. 

Beauty is The One who inspires (Al-Mubdi). The Opener who fulfills our dreams (Al-Fattah). The Guide when we have fallen (Al-Hadi). Beauty is The Provider-for you and for me- (Ar-Razzaq). The Ultimate Source of peace (Al-Salam). The Fashioner of nerves that feel, lungs that breathe, and eyes that see (Al-Musawir). Beauty is in The Creator of the Heavens and the Earth (Al-Badee’). The Grateful (Al-Shakur). The All-Praiseworthy (Al-Hameed). The subtle ways of The All-Subtle (Al-Lateef).

Beauty is Learning and Healing 

Beauty is a student paying attention to the teacher. A teacher paying attention to a student. An enjoyable lesson. The gaining of beneficial knowledge. Putting knowledge into practice. Beauty is relief after pain. The pine cones in a forest. The juicy mulberries in my childhood garden. Contentment. The bursting of the rainbow’s colours. Red. Orange. Yellow. Green. Blue. Indigo. Violet. Excitement. Beauty is in the realisation of a mistake. Shamefulness. The cheerfulness of a bird’s chirping. Beauty is in the sharing of happiness. Togetherness. Beauty is in the six stars I manage to count in the night sky and the countless ones in the galaxy beyond. 17

Beauty is The One who watches over us (Ash-Shaheed). The All-Knowing (Al-Alim).  The Healer of pain (Ash—Shafi). Beauty is The Giver of all things beautiful (Al-Mu’ti). The Source of all Light (An-Nur). The Protecting Friend (Al-Wali). Beauty is The expander of the universe. The Embracing (Al-Wasi’). The All-Encompassing (Al-Basit). 

Beauty is Justice 

Beauty is a child who dreams. A child who dreams of becoming a lawyer to justly get back his stolen home. A slave who has been freed. Beauty is in the unity of a nation suffering under oppression. The prevailing strength of a fighter in a monstrous fire. The bravery of a person who defends the rights of another. The person who seeks not to make differences between people. Beauty is in sacrifice. In the truth. It is the igniting spark. The brilliance of an awakening. The roaring of a waterfall. It is the letting go of selfishness, of worldly desires. It is the undying flame of hope in a blood pool of tragedy. It is the connection of hearts. The burning desire to help. To open one’s eyes. Not to ignore. It is to rebuild the collapsed buildings. The buzzing of bees.  It is the troop of dignity. A vibration of faith. A storm of honour. The herd of elephants. The geese migrating South. When the darkness is hidden with light. Evil is conquered with goodness… 

Determination. Perseverance. Hope. Care. Strength. Love. Beauty.

Beauty is The Supreme Judge (Ad-Dayaan). The aid of The supporter (An-Naseer). The empowerment from The Most Powerful (Al-Qawi). Beauty is The All-Hearing (As-Samee). The All-Seeing (Al-Baseer). The All-Knowing Al-Aleem). Beauty is The Truth (Al-Haqq). The steadfastness given by The Most Firm (Al-Mateen). The Director of All Affairs (As-Sayyeid). The Ever Near (Al-Qareeb). 

Beauty is You

Beauty is in YOU, the servant of The Most Beautiful (Al-Jameel). Beauty is from HIM, Allah, The Lord of The Worlds. 

The Most Beautiful Thing

Beauty. What is beauty? To me, beauty has many names. I hope we appreciate beauty in all its shapes, sizes, and colours. I hope we enjoy its splendour by being grateful to Allah. I hope the most beautiful thing we feel is Allah’s pleasure and mercy upon us. Lastly, I pray that the most beautiful thing our eyes shall see is the countenance of Allah when we meet Him. 

What does beauty mean to you? Was there any description in this piece that touched you? COMMENT BELOW and share some love and insight! 

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