We all have something that swallows up the khayr (goodness) in our lives.

It could be a quick temper, a tendency to get too attached to people or things, an addiction, a misbelief, or a suspicion. Maybe it’s an external situation- a relationship that isn’t what you expected it to be or a household that grows too difficult to manage.

Whatever it is, it’s something that holds us back and keeps us from progressing and developing into the best version of ourselves for the sake of Allah. It is something that tempts us to give up and give in when faced with it- it is our “whale” that swallows us.

But all hope is not lost, dear readers. We have Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى, Who is with those who believe in  Him and are sincere to Him- despite how much we struggle, despite our rises and falls and frantic searching in the dark.

The Lord of the Worlds is on our side; He has blessed us with Islam and Imaan, Alhamdulillahi Katheera, so never think all is lost and His Light is out of your reach.

And, Alhamdulillah, we have the beautiful story of Prophet Yunus عليه السلام‎ - wherein there is hope that cannot be extinguished, and an easy, practical solution for us all to dispel our anxieties, sorrows, addictions, negative thoughts, and downward spirals.

Yunus Ibnu Mattah عليه السلام was sent as a Prophet by Allah to Naynawah (Nineveh), the largest city in the world at that time, prospering on the banks of the Tigris River.

Of excellent character and eloquence, he called his people to Allah with sincerity and sound reasoning, and they rejected him with great conceit, preferring the convenience of their forefather’s traditions that let them live a shameless life.

Finally, Yunus عليه السلام warns them of a punishment that will come to them within three days’ time, and then he leaves this great city of hard-hearted people, unable to bear the destructive stubbornness of their denial. He leaves them without the permission of Allah.

Yunus عليه السلام‎ boards a ship that takes him away from his doomed people. In the darkness of the night and in the middle of a stormy sea, the ship gets caught in the throes of violent waves the height of mountains and is about to be capsized.

The people on the vessel drew lots to determine who would have to be thrown overboard, and Yunus’s عليه السلام name appeared. Despite being polytheists, they knew he was an honourable man and repeated the lot three times. All three times, this Prophet of Allah عليه السلام was sentenced to the dreadful fate of being plunged into the wild ocean.

My brothers and sisters, this was the qadr (Divine Decree) of Allah.

He says in Surah Anbiya, verse 87:

“And ˹remember˺ when the Man of the Whale stormed off ˹from his city˺ in a rage, thinking We would not restrain him…”

Yunus عليه السلام realized that there was no other choice but to jump into the sea. He knew he had done something to be regretted by abandoning his mission without the consent of His Lord. With the Name of Allah on his lips, he threw himself overboard into the terrifying abyss.

Allah did not decree that he would be drowned. Instead, a tremendous creature- one of the greatest whales of the sea- was lying in wait to swallow him whole.

Paralyzed with terror, Yunus عليه السلام initially believed he was dead. He was imprisoned in impenetrable layers of darkness- the dismalness of the whale’s stomach, the bottom of the ocean, and the pitch-black night.

When his senses became more alert and he realized he could move and breathe, his heart and tongue instantly remembered Allah.

“…Then in the ˹veils of˺ darkness he cried out, “There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except You. Glory be to You! I have certainly done wrong.” 

[Al-Anbiya: 87]

And this, my brothers and sisters, was the game-changing point of his story. And it can be for ours as well.

Let’s examine these words of a man in the most desperate situation imaginable.

لَّآ إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّآ أَنتَ سُبْحَـٰنَكَ إِنِّى كُنتُ مِنَ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَ ٨٧

La Ilaha Illa Anta – There is nothing worthy of worship except You alone.

This statement affirms every positive attribute to Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎.

Subhanak – Exalted are You (above any negative attribute).

Allah is high above any imperfection or defect, He never wrongs us, rather-

Inni Kunthu Min Ad-dhaalimeen- I have been of the oppressors.

We are the ones who wrong ourselves. And any goodness we experience is not what we deserve; it’s what Allah bestows upon us from His Grace.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said about this dua’a:

“Verily, a Muslim never supplicates for anything with it but that Allah will answer him.”

[Tirmidhi 3505]

SubhanAllah! No believer ever supplicates with this du’a but that what he asks for will be fulfilled. 

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ also said regarding the same,

“Shall I not tell you of something by which a man among you can supplicate to relieve the hardships or trials of the world when they descend?”

They (his companions) said, “Of course!”

The Prophet said, “It is the prayer of Jonah, Dhul Nun: There is no God but You, glory be to You for I have certainly been among the wrongdoers.” (21:87)

[Nasa’i 10416]

Whatever difficulty you face in this world- whether you’re running extremely late for an appointment, whether you’re sick, fatigued, or emotionally exhausted, whether you feel stuck in a helpless situation and are trying not to feel hopeless- this du’a is the key to unlocking khayr. It is the formula for relief and mercy from Allah, even in the direst and most depressing situations.

So, what were the miraculous results of this du’a?

Allah responded to him and saved him عليه السلام from that incredible distress.

It’s important to note that Yunus عليه السلام did not ask to be saved. All he did was call out to Allah with a sincere heart full of love, hope, and fear; Allah knew better than Yunus عليه السلام did what he needed.

He was ejected by the whale at Allah’s command and found himself on an island. His body was inflamed by the acids from the whale’s stomach, and the sun was causing him great agony as it rose. As Yunus عليه السلام continued to supplicate despite it all, Allah caused a large vine to shield him from the harmful rays, and gradually, he recovered his health and strength.

He was forgiven, and he was saved. But this wasn’t all.

When he went back to his nation, he was greeted with a joyous welcome- all of them were believers.

One of the most unique things to ever occur had happened to his nation; as the menacing clouds of punishment approached them, the very people who had been left by their Prophet were seized with regret and remorse. They all flooded out of their houses and implored Allah to forgive them and protect them from destruction.

Qatadah رَحِمَهُ ٱللَّ said:

"No town has denied the truth and then believed when they saw the scourge, and then their belief benefited them, with the exception of the people of Yunus…When Allah saw the truth in their hearts and that they were sincere in their repentance and regrets, He removed the scourge from them."

[Tafsir Ibn Katheer]


Unlike so many other nations we learn about in the Qur’an, who arrogantly, stubbornly continued in their disbelief and transgression till they were seized by Allah’s Wrath, the people of Yunus عليه السلام humbled themselves before their Lord just at the brink of ultimate loss and ruin.

What better ending could there be for a story? It beats the ‘happily-ever-after’ of any fairytale or fable because, in this case, it is literal- the Jannah that all of them will attain in the end by Allah’s Mercy is eternal, unwavering, ever-increasing happiness!

In conclusion, my brothers and sisters, the “whale” that you are trapped in may be gargantuan, and you may not see your way out. You may not even imagine that a way out exists. But remember that Allah is far greater than that behemoth trial that has consumed you. His Power, Glory, and Majesty are far greater- you are not alone in the dark sea.

Allah said,

“So We answered his prayer and rescued him from anguish. And it is like that We save the ˹true˺ believers.    [21:88]

This miraculous salvation isn’t just for the Prophets - it is for all of us. Allah saves His believers in every time and place from the diverse darknesses that swallow us.

So, call out to Him. Use the gift of Yunus عليه السلام ‘s du’a that raises all other du’as, fulfills spoken and unspoken needs, and removes every distress.

When you feel overwhelmed, constricted, and lonely, remember that even in the belly of the whale there is hope for those who seek it with Allah.